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Shenzhen Branch
Interface | GUI | Photo | Summary(中文版) | Summary( English Edition ) |
| 便捷的调屏工具-Tango Tune特性: | The convenient screen adjustment tool-Tango Tune feature: 1) Adjust the parameters by dynamic visualization window, you can see the final result as soon as you change the parameters. 2) New algorithm, fast transfer screen 3) You can use shortcut keys to operate the software, adjust the parameters by "+""-". Engineering version for TP tuning Functions: 1) Show raw data 2) Drawing lines 3) Firmware configure update 4) Check/Modify parameters 5) Functions in I2CUSER mode | |
Pixcir_GUI_TangoC_2.0.32_20170527 | | Mass production version Functions: 1) View raw data 2) Lines drawing 3) Firmware update 4) Calibration for TP 5) Border test 6) Linearity test 7) Precision test | ||
HID | 1. 使用阶段:量产阶段 | Mass production version Functions: 1) View raw data 2) Lines drawing 3) Check firmware version 4) Calibration for TP 5) Border test 6) Linearity test 7) Precision test | ||
The system platforms that Drivers currently supports are:
IIC interface: Windows CE 5.0, Windows CE 6.0, Linux, Android, Moblin
HID interface: Windows CE 5.0, Windows CE 6.0, Windows XP, Windows 7, Linux, Android, Moblin, MeeGo
Tango C IIC Driver:TangoC_IIC_linux_driver_V3.6
Tango C IIC Driver APP:Tango C IIC linux driver V3.7
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